SELECT SUBSTR (e.profile_option_name, 1, 25) internal_name,
SUBSTR (pot.user_profile_option_name, 1, 60) name_in_forms,
DECODE (a.level_id,
10001, 'Site',
10002, 'Application',
10003, 'Resp',
10004, 'User',
10005, 'Server',
10007, 'Server + Resp',
) levell,
DECODE (a.level_id,
10001, 'Site',
10002, c.application_short_name,
10003, b.responsibility_name,
10004, d.user_name,
10005, n.node_name,
10007, m.node_name || ' + ' || b.responsibility_name,
) level_value,
NVL (a.profile_option_value, 'Is Null') VALUE,
TO_CHAR (a.last_update_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI') last_update_date,
dd.user_name last_update_user
FROM fnd_profile_option_values a,
fnd_responsibility_tl b,
fnd_application c,
fnd_user d,
fnd_profile_options e,
fnd_nodes n,
fnd_nodes m,
fnd_responsibility_tl x,
fnd_user dd,
fnd_profile_options_tl pot
WHERE e.profile_option_name LIKE 'MFG_ORGANIZATION_ID'
AND e.profile_option_name = pot.profile_option_name(+)
AND e.profile_option_id = a.profile_option_id(+)
AND a.level_value = b.responsibility_id(+)
AND a.level_value = c.application_id(+)
AND a.level_value = d.user_id(+)
AND a.level_value = n.node_id(+)
AND a.level_value_application_id = x.responsibility_id(+)
AND a.level_value2 = m.node_id(+)
AND a.last_updated_by = dd.user_id(+)
ORDER BY e.profile_option_name
SUBSTR (pot.user_profile_option_name, 1, 60) name_in_forms,
DECODE (a.level_id,
10001, 'Site',
10002, 'Application',
10003, 'Resp',
10004, 'User',
10005, 'Server',
10007, 'Server + Resp',
) levell,
DECODE (a.level_id,
10001, 'Site',
10002, c.application_short_name,
10003, b.responsibility_name,
10004, d.user_name,
10005, n.node_name,
10007, m.node_name || ' + ' || b.responsibility_name,
) level_value,
NVL (a.profile_option_value, 'Is Null') VALUE,
TO_CHAR (a.last_update_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI') last_update_date,
dd.user_name last_update_user
FROM fnd_profile_option_values a,
fnd_responsibility_tl b,
fnd_application c,
fnd_user d,
fnd_profile_options e,
fnd_nodes n,
fnd_nodes m,
fnd_responsibility_tl x,
fnd_user dd,
fnd_profile_options_tl pot
WHERE e.profile_option_name LIKE 'MFG_ORGANIZATION_ID'
AND e.profile_option_name = pot.profile_option_name(+)
AND e.profile_option_id = a.profile_option_id(+)
AND a.level_value = b.responsibility_id(+)
AND a.level_value = c.application_id(+)
AND a.level_value = d.user_id(+)
AND a.level_value = n.node_id(+)
AND a.level_value_application_id = x.responsibility_id(+)
AND a.level_value2 = m.node_id(+)
AND a.last_updated_by = dd.user_id(+)
ORDER BY e.profile_option_name
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